Thiên Quan Thiên Phúc

December 16, 2009

Trích dẫn bài viết của Bác VDTT 


Loạt bài Tử Vi và thế cuộc xiển dương một quan điểm về Quan Phúc không mấy quen thuộc với độc giả. Quan điểm này đã được áp dụng trong các bài viết về cựu đệ nhất phu nhân kiêm đương kim thượng nghị sĩ Hoa Kỳ Hillary Clinton, tiền tổng thống Iraq Saddam Hussein, công nương Diana, đương kim thống đốc California Arnold Schwarzenneger, và lần này với bà hoàng nội trợ Martha Stewart.

Thiết tưởng đã đến lúc cần giải thích thêm cho rõ. Quan Phúc là tên tắt của Thiên Quan và Thiên Phúc. Hai sao này được an theo thiên can như sau: Thiên Quan can Giáp ở cung Mùi, Ất cung Thìn, Bính cung Tỵ, Đinh cung Dần, Mậu cung Mão, Kỷ cung Dậu, Canh cung Hợi, Tân cung Dậu, Nhâm cung Tuất, Quý cung Ngọ. Thiên Quý thì Giáp ở cung Dậu, Ất cung Thân, Bính cung Tý, Đinh cung Hợi, Mậu cung Mão, Kỷ cung Dần, Canh cung Ngọ, Tân cung Tỵ, Nhâm cung Ngọ, Quý cung Tỵ.

Cách an Thiên Quan của khoa Tử Vi tự nó đã là một vấn đề vì khác với các khoa mệnh lý khác ở 4 can Mậu Kỷ Tân Nhâm; nhưng trong giới hạn của phần phụ lục này chỉ xin bàn về ý nghĩa. Theo cách xem Tử Vi truyền thống thì Quan Phúc là hai sao quý nhân, ở cung nào giáng phúc cho cung đó.

Một chi của Trung Châu phái ở Hồng Kông còn phân biệt rõ ràng là Thiên Quan là quý nhân tinh ứng với sự nghiệp, thượng cách là ở cùng cung với quan tinh Thái Dương; Thiên Phúc là quý nhân tinh ứng với phúc phận, thượng cách là ở cùng cung với phúc tinh Thiên Đồng.

Riêng với các bạn tò mò, cũng theo phái này thì Quan Phúc Tài Thọ họp thành bộ sao Tứ Quý. Thiên Tài thượng cách ở cùng cung với Thiên Cơ, Thiên Thọ thượng cách ở cùng cung với Thiên Lương.

Làng tử vi Việt Nam nói chung cũng xem Quan Phúc là tốt đẹp. Thí dụ, sách Tử Vi Thực Hành của soạn giả Dịch Lý Huyền Cơ viết Mệnh có Quan Phúc đóng là hạng người từ tâm. Mộ về tôn giáo, tín ngưỡng. Gia tăng tuổi thọ.

Hạn mà gặp được Quan, Phúc có thể cứu khổn, phò nguy, giải trừ được nhiều bệnh tật, tai họa. Nếu gặp nhiều cát tinh Quan, Phúc sẽ đem lại rực rỡ thêm công việc mà êm đẹp mọi đường. Sách Tử Vi Nghiệm Lý Toàn Thư (xuất bản 1985 ở nước ngoài) của Thiên Lương Tiên Sinh thì có bài. Những đấng đức hạnh cao dày không có gì ngăn cản nhiệm vụ so sánh Quan Phúc như những bậc chân tu vào nơi hung hiểm để đỡ đòn cho cung khỏi bị xấu.

Quan điểm này khác với truyền thống ở chỗ là nhìn nhận các cung có Quan Phúc đóng có ẩn tàng hung hiểm; nhưng vẫn giống truyền thống ở vai trò cứu khổn phò nguy tốt đẹp của Quan Phúc.

Người viết có quan điểm khác hẳn! Xin trình bày như sau:

Một số độc giả hẳn biết Quan Phúc không có mặt trong những sao nguyên thủy của khoa tử vi mà được thêm vào sau này. Nên không có gì đáng ngạc nhiên là ý nghĩa truyền thống của Quan Phúc được lấy thẳng từ các khoa mệnh lý dựa trên ngũ hành (gọi chung là các khoa ngũ tinh) đã sử dụng hai sao này trước Tử Vi. Nhưng nếu, trong khoa Tử Vi, Quan Phúc quả có vai trò cứu khổn phò nguy quan trọng nhý trong các khoa ngũ tinh thì tại sao người nghĩ ra Tử Vi lại bỏ sót chúng?

Dĩ nhiên ta có thể lập luận rằng nhân vô thập toàn nên chuyện thiếu sót đã xảy ra, nhưng lý luận này không ổn, vì Tử Vi là một cuộc cách mạng chống lại các khoa ngũ tinh. Muốn hoàn thành cuộc cách mạng này, người khởi xướng khoa Tử Vi chắc chắn phải là một bậc thầy của các khoa ngũ tinh. Cách giải thích hợp lý hõn là Quan Phúc đã bị liệt vào hàng ngũ vô số các thần sát khác mà người sáng lập khoa Tử Vi đã quyết định bỏ ra ngoài khoa học mới này.

Nhưng nếu vậy thì tại sao cách xem Quan Phúc có vẻ đúng (một thí dụ hiển nhiên là rất nhiều bậc chân tu có Phúc cư mệnh hoặc thân). Thắc mắc này theo đuổi người viết nhiều năm. May thay, trong thời gian ở Á châu người viết có cơ hội thấy nhiều lá số có thật của các phường bất lưõng du đãng.

Điểm lạ lùng là đa số (trên 50%) các lá số này có Phúc ở một trong ba cường cung Mệnh Phúc Thân; tức là khác đám đông một cách rõ ràng nhưng lại giống các bậc chân tu hoặc những người sống đời hy sinh vì nhân quần xã hội.

Các bậc chân tu và những phường bất lương du đãng giống nhau ở chỗ đời họ có những thử thách mà người thường ít gặp phải. Thử thách là những hoàn cảnh cực đoan, bắt buộc con người phải chọn một trong hai hoặc ba bốn con đường.

Theo ý nghĩa ma quân là bạn đạo của nhà Phật, thử thách là cơ hội cho người ta phát triển phật tính. Nhưng kẻ xung động, ích kỷ sẽ phản ứng lại thử thách bằng bản năng hoặc thú tính. Người viết giật mình mới hiểu ra rằng Quan Phúc không phải là hai sao cứu khổn phò nguy, mà là hai dấu hiệu, hai bảng cảnh cáo được thêm vào lá số cho người xem biết đâu là phương có nhiều khó khăn, thử thách.

Người đáp lại thử thách bằng cái nhân tu hành tất nhiên được hưởng quả phúc về sau. Kẻ đáp lại thử thách bằng cách gieo cái nhân ích kỷ tất nhiên sau này phải ãn quả đắng.

Tóm lại, phương nào có Quan Phúc, phương đó có khó khăn thử thách bắt người ta phải chọn lựa giữa thắng và thua. Người có lòng nhân từ sẽ chọn đường thua thiệt. Kẻ có tâm ích kỷ sẽ đòi thắng đời thắng người.

Họa và Phúc từ đó mà ra chứ chẳng phải vì hai ông thần Quan Phúc từ cao giáng xuống cuộc đời.

Góp ý của Dương Lương

Theo cách an của Thiên Quan và Thiên Phúc (theo hàng Can) thì hai sao này thường xuyên có sự liên hệ với Kình Đà (tam hợp, đồng cung hoặc xung chiếu Kình Đà) – ngoại trừ tuổi Mậu.

Như vậy theo bác VDTT, nhiều lá số có Quan Phúc lại thành phường bất lương du đãng hẳn có lý của nó. Nếu Quan Phúc nằm trong ba cường cung Mệnh Phúc Thân thì có đến 90% Mệnh cung lá số đó bị ảnh hưởng bởi Kình Đà. Nếu có thêm sát tinh hội họp hoặc Quan Phúc ko hội tụ đủ để cứu giải thì các lá số đó có nhiều khả năng biến thành du đãng khi Kình Đà tác hoại.

“Thiên Nguyệt Đức, Giải Thần tàng,

Cùng là Quan Phúc một làng trừ hung”

Quan Phúc ở đây có vai trò để cứu giải Kình Đà cũng như Thiên Nguyệt Đức ra sức lái đương số tránh khỏi Thiên Không. Có cứu được không cũng là tuỳ đương số và tuỳ cách cục kết hợp với các bộ sao khác.

Phú về Quan Phúc có một câu đáng lưu tâm:

“Sao Quan, Phúc cùng Khôi Tinh,

Lâm chung Thân Mệnh đề danh bảng rồng”

Tức là Quan Phúc đi với Khôi Việt dễ đỗ đạt cao, tiếng tăm.

Ở đây có lẽ Khôi Việt đã cải hoá bộ Kình Đà làm cho sức văn trong bộ này phát huy tác dụng đạt đến đỉnh cao. Như các lá số của tác giả kiếm hiệp Kim Dung và Nguyễn Du có thể hiện cách này.



Cách xem Quan Phúc sau đây hoàn toàn do tôi nghĩ ra, không theo sách vở nào cả, nhưng đã có khá nhiều chứng nghiệm, hy vọng chính là ý nghĩa đã thất truyền của hai sao này.

1. Tiên quyết: Phúc là chính, Quan là phụ. Phương của Phúc là nơi có những biến cố khiến ta phải chọn lựa, và phương của Quan thường giúp ta thấy ý nghĩa của biến cố này rõ ràng hơn. (Nếu tin cách này đúng rồi thì cũng có thể dùng cái lý của nó để chọn giờ sinh cho lá số trong một số trường hợp).

2. Sự chọn lựa ở phương có Phúc thường khá rõ ràng: Chọn một đường ta lỗ, chọn đường khác ta lợi hơn, hoặc hòa. Khuynh hướng bình thường dĩ nhiên là nên chọn đường thứ hai, nhưng muốn sống đúng theo cái lý của Quan Phúc thì phải chọn đường thứ nhất. Chọn đường thứ nhất tức là đã thực hiện ý nghĩa chân thật của sự “tu hành” (chịu lỗ lã dùm cho đời), bởi vậy mới nói phương của Quan Phúc là phương của tu hành.

Theo tôi mọi sự đều có nhân quả, sự lựa chọn của ta trong việc ứng với phương của Quan Phúc là nhân, rồi một lúc sẽ biến thành quả. Hai người có lá số y hệt có thể lựa chọn khác nhau, đây là một lý do khiến ta không thể dùng lá số Tử Vi khẳng quyết đời sống của người ta phải thế này thế nọ, mà phải xem họ ứng xử như thế nào nữa.

Phải có thử thách mới có đòi hỏi tu hành, nên phương của Phúc là phương của thử thách. Nhìn một lá số, thấy Phúc ở đâu, xác quyết ngay phương thử thách (theo ý nghĩa “tu hành”) ở đó.

Ý nghĩa tu hành của Quan Phúc rất giản dị. Khi có sự chọn lựa cứ chọn đường lỗ cho mình lợi cho người hoặc cho cuộc đời.
Người Việt ta có câu “tu là cội PHÚC, tình là giây oan”, có lẽ cái lý bao hàm trong câu này là nguồn gốc của tên sao Thiên Phúc.

Phúc ở Tử tức phải “Tu hành” thế nào?

Tử tức tại sao là cung đào hoa thì tôi sẽ không giải thích, vì nó là kết quả của một cách xem hơi lạ, thường gọi là phép hoán cung; có thể nói đây là một bí quyết to của làng tử vi Đài Loan đấy, nhưng nó không phải là bi quyết riêng của họ, vì 25 năm trước tôi đã gặp một ông thầy mù người Việt Nam xem theo cách này.

Thế nào là thử thách “đào hoa” vì có Phúc ở Tử Tức? Thí dụ thực tế là một người đàn ông đã có vợ con nhưng rất hợp tính với ta, và ta thấy người ấy rất “đàn ông”, “khí phách”, “hấp dẫn” … Người ấy một ngày theo đuổi, rõ ràng muốn ngoại tình với ta. Ta biết người ấy không có ý muốn bỏ vợ lấy ta, ta cũng biết ngoại tình là sai, nhưng ta biết rằng nếu từ chối sự tiến tới của người ấy thì từ đó trở đi liên hệ hai bên sẽ sứt mẻ, và ta không bao giờ được có những giờ phút vui vẻ bên cạnh người ấy nữa. Ngược lại, nếu ta ngoại tình với người ấy thì (theo sự suy nghĩ của ta) ta có những phút giây hạnh phúc (dù ngắn ngủi) mà không hại ai, vì đằng nào thì người ấy cũng không bỏ vợ lấy ta. Vậy ta phải làm gì?

Đây chính là một thí dụ về một đòi hỏi chọn lựa có tính “đào hoa” ứng với Thiên Phúc ở tử tức.

Thông thường hơn, khi Quan Phúc không hỗ trợ nhau ở thế tam hợp thì tôi cho rằng Phúc chỉ có ý nghĩa “tu hành” ở cung nó đóng. Thiên Phúc ở tử tức có nghĩa con cái sẽ là thử thách lớn của đời ta. Theo nghĩa thông thường thì phải luận là cung tử tức không tốt, nhưng theo nghĩa nhà Phật thì tử tức là cơ hội tu hành của ta. Như vừa sinh ra con đã tàn tật, ta có thương nó như những đứa con khác không? Như con gái ta mười mấy tuổi bỏ nhà theo trai, ta sẽ ứng xử thế nào? Có mở rộng vòng tay nhận nó trở về không? Có thương yêu bảo bọc nó như cũ không …


Trong ví dụ trên về ngoại tình hay không ngoại tình của bác thì cách nào là cách tu? Theo Tđ thấy lựa cách nào cũng bị thua cả.

VDTT trả lời

Cách nào ít gây hại cho cuộc đời hơn hết. Trong trường hợp trên phải dứt mà đi.

Thường thường dùng các quy luật mà nhà Phật đã xử dụng thì ít khi sai.
Thí dụ 1: Chồng ta ngoại tình. Ta có nhiều đường để chọn, trong đó gồm có:

  • Tạt át xít cho chồng ta sống dở chết dở ở một đầu cực đoan và hoàn toàn tha thứ cho chồng ta ở một đầu cực đoan khác.
  • “Hơi hơi” tha thứ (tức là cũng mắng chửi lung tung rồi đuổi ra khỏi phòng mấy ngày hoặc mấy tháng) có lẽ là đáp án vừa tu hành    vừa thực tế.

Thí dụ 2: Ta có cơ hội ngoại tình “Một lần rồi thôi”, hai bên sẽ chẳng bao giờ gặp lại nhau, kín miệng thì muôn đời chẳng ai biết, chồng ta dù ba đầu sáu tay cũng chẳng thể nào khám phá ra.

Giải pháp phù hợp: Đừng ngoại tình (vì có trời biết đất biết, vả lại “muốn người ta không biết thì mình đừng có làm”).


Thiên Phúc cư Nô ý nghĩa gì?

Thiên Phúc cư nô có nghĩa trong đời sẽ có tối thiểu một lần nào đó ta phải có một chọn lựa quan trọng ảnh hưởng đến một người quen biết của ta, người ấy có thể là tình nhân, có thể là bạn đồng sự, có thể là nhân viên, có thể là xếp của ta. Đây sẽ là lúc trời đất thử thách trình độ tu hành của ta ứng với Phúc ở nô. Nhắc lại, chịu lỗ lã mới là tu hành, không chịu lỗ lã (bất cứ vì lý do gì) đều là đi ngược lại đòi hỏi tu hành của Quan Phúc.

Nhưng Phúc ở nô không có nghĩa là không nên lập gia đình, có khi phải lập gia đình (với sư tử Hà Đông hoặc kẻ vũ phu) mới đúng là tu hành đấy chứ! Tóm lại phải tùy hoàn cảnh đặc thù mà luận xét

Quan Phúc ở cung Tật

Tật xung chiếu phụ mẫu nên đầu tiên phải tự xét xem liên hệ với phụ mẫu ra sao. Nếu không có vấn đề gì cả thì chú trọng vấn đề sức khỏe và tâm lý của bản thân mình.
Khi lớn tuổi coi chừng nhiều tật bệnh hơn người thường (hoặc phát triển tâm lý bất bình thường), nên đừng phí phạm sức khỏe khi còn trẻ.

Thiên Phúc cư Phúc cung, ý nghĩ tu hành ra sao ? Trích dẫn Van Helsing

Cuộc đời sẽ bầy ra cho ta những “thử thách” khi thì lên voi, hưởng vinh hoa phú quý tiền tài, lúc thì xuống chó, bầm dập nát tan. “Tu hành” của Thiên Phúc nghĩa là sao ? Khi ta đang trên đỉnh cao của vinh hoa phú quý, ta có tham đắm nó không, có cho nó là thực tại muôn đời hay không, có cho nó là do tài năng của ta tạo nên hay không, ta có tiếp tục lao vào con đường mưu tìm lợi ích cho riêng bản thân, tiếp tục tích luỹ của cài tiền bạc để duy trì cái sự sung sướng đó cho bản thân và gia đình ta hay không. Hay khi đem của cải tiền bạc ra bố thí có thực sự là muốn chia sẻ, bố thí với những người khổ sở hơn ta hay không, có thực lòng hay không hay chỉ là tích luỹ cho cái danh tiếng của ta.

Và khi rơi xuống lưng chó ta có hằn học, oán thù cuộc đời là bạc bẽo với ta không, có tìm cách trả thù đời không. Và nếu có nhận ra tất cả chỉ là hư ảo, thì có thật sự “sống” với cái hiểu biết đó hay không, hay chỉ là nói “cuộc đời là hư ảo” ở chót lưỡi đầu môi.

Thiên Phúc cư Phúc cung ý nghĩ tu hành là cuộc đời sẽ bầy ra cho ta thật nhiều “thử thách” : Vinh hoa phú quý = trợ duyên ; bầm dập, tan nát = nghịch duyên. Nếu thực sự nhận ra dù trợ duyên hay nghịch duyên cũng đều là hư vọng thì sẽ hưởng được cái PHÚC của trời.

Phúc cư phúc thì phải giữ mồm giữ miệng, kẻo dễ bị vạ miệng
Có hậu quả gì nếu không chịu “tu”?

Theo tôi đặc điểm của Quan Phúc là kết quả hoặc hậu quả có tính “quả báo nhãn tiền” (xem thêm phần cuối). Nhưng hậu quả thế nào khó biết vì có thể hiện ra ở nơi khác. Chẳng hạn ngoại tình (không thỏa điều kiện “tu hành” của Quan Phúc) thì rất có thể chồng ta vẫn không bỏ ta, nhưng con cái không nghe lời ta nữa mặc dù chúng không hề biết mẹ chúng ngoại tình. Chẳng hạn, cũng là ta ngoại tình khi hoàn cảnh cho phép (không “tu” theo Quan Phúc), sau đó ta sạt nghiệp trong một hoàn cảnh khó giải thích.

Cần phân biệt Quan Phúc với tác dụng tổng quát hơn của việc tu hành. Người sống theo Quan Phúc không phải là tu hành toàn diện mà là hành xử đúng theo đòi hỏi “tu hành” trong những sự việc liên hệ đến Quan Phúc mà thôi.

Có thể nhìn Quan Phúc là đòi hỏi tu hành có tính “quả báo nhãn tiền”. Nếu không “tu” theo Quan Phúc hậu quả xảy ra ngay trong đời này không phải đợi đến kiếp sau.

Như ta có Phúc trong Phu thê. Ta có thể bất hiếu, ức hiếp anh chị em trong nhà mà không thấy hậu quả gì cả (trong kiếp này thôi, và giả sử lá số tốt), nhưng ta không nhường nhịn vợ hoặc chồng ta thì có hậu quả ngay trong đời này.

Trích dẫn bài viết của KK Minh Tâm

 Quan Phúc ở các cung:

Mệnh: là người thích làm phúc, bố thí cúng dường, trọng nghĩa khinh tài. Dù gặp Sát Tinh cũng vẫn cứ tốt! Gặp Không Kiếp cũng không thể phá hại được. Người có căn tu trong nhiều đời kiếp, mọi việc xấu tốt sắp tới có giác quan thứ 6 linh cảm biết trước. Hoặc ở Mệnh, nếu đương số chí thành mở miệng kêu trời cứu thì sẽ có trời CHE, nếu kêu đất cứu thì sẽ có đất CHỠ, những người này cầu nguyện sẽ có thần linh đến chứng dám, cứu giúp. Nếu chí nguyện tu hành, thì sẽ có Long Thần Hộ Pháp đến che chỡ đỡ đần
Phụ Mẫu: nếu họ khá giả thì họ sẽ lo cho cha mẹ, nếu họ nghèo khổ thì được cha mẹ lo, và luôn được hưởng phúc lộc do cha mẹ để lại bằng Âm Đức hay Dương Đức.
Phúc: Có Duyên với Tổ Nghiệp, hoặc trong dòng họ đời trước có tu bồi nhân lành lớn, hoặc có người tu hành chuyển nghiệp cho dòng họ… Hoặc dù mồ mã hay trong dòng họ có gặp xấu cũng gặp chân sư cứu giúp giải trừ hay chuyển đối…
Điền: thì có người để gia tài lại cho giống như Quang Quý. Đồng thời có thể đứng ra thành lập những cơ quan từ thiện, tuỳ theo nhiều ít, tuy theo cùng điền tốt xấu. Của cải vật chất họ có thể cho người không luyến tiếc. Ai xin nếu họ có thể cho thì cho ngay, bất kể vật đó quý giá đến đâu. (Đây là loại người Thí Vô Uý. Tại sao lại gọi là thua lỗ?).
Quan: Nếu số tốt liên quan đến tu hành, hoặc có thể làm trong bang Hộ Trì Tam Bảo hoặc đi tu, hoặc làm việc trong các cơ quan từ thiện, nhân sinh…
: có Duyên chơi được với bạn bè tốt hoặc các bạn đồng tu, hoặc các tiên nhân (không phải mấy ông tiên đánh cờ hay nhậu nhẹt đâu nhé), hoặc được cơ hội học hỏi các bậc chân tu đắc đạo…

Di: Ra đường gặp quý nhân giúp đỡ, dễ gặp cơ may đến những nơi an lành, thường gặp thuận lợi tốt đẹp… nói chung ra đường dễ gặp thiên thời địa lợi nhân hòa.
Tật: gặp nạn thường có quý nhân hay thần linh che chỡ. Dĩ nhiên, ở cung Tật thì không bằng cung Mệnh, vì lỡ Mệnh xấu hay Vận xấu có thể chết yểu như thường.

Tài: Có thể cho tiền của hoặc đôi khi ngay cả gia tài sự nghiệp để làm từ thiện. Những người dám bố thí những mãnh đất công viên, thư viện… phải có Quan Phúc trong Mệnh Thân và Tài Điền hoặc xung hoặc giáp hợp. Đây là loại người Thí Vô Uý. (Thiết tưởng người có tiền cho như vậy sao gọi là thua lỗ về tài được).
Tử Tức: Nếu cung Tử Tức xấu xa, có Quan Phúc thì nuôi con nuôi sẽ có con (đây gọi là làm phúc để được phúc), hoặc chẳng cần phải xin con nuôi, chỉ cần chí thành cầu đảo như ăn chay nằm đất hay tụng Kinh trì Chú… thì nhất định sẽ có con (vì người có Nhân Duyên từ những đời trước sẽ đầu thai đến làm con). Nếu cung Tử đẹp thì con là thần nhân giáng thế. Khác hơn Ân Quang Thiên Quý vì đối với Quang Quý nếu cung Tử xấu xa, thì cho dù là con nuôi hay con ruột vẫn trở thành phá gia chi tử như thường.
Phu Thê: Vợ chồng là người có lòng từ thiện, chí ít đó là người chồng hay vợ đã có Duyên Lành từ tiền kiếp. (Nếu Quang Quý ở cung Phu Thê là Duyên Nợ tiền kiếp, nếu gặp Sát Tinh thì đó là Nghiệp Quả phải trả, muốn bỏ cũng bỏ không được. Sống trong đau khổ). Nếu cung Phu Thê có Quan Phúc thủ, thì dù ở đó có Đào Hoa ngộ Không Kiếp, Hình vẫn thường an lành không đổ vỡ và không đau khổ (dù gặp khó khăn cũng có quý nhân giúp đỡ hay giải bày cho). Hoặc vận đến gặp cách đó cũng chẳng sợ. Thế mới biết uy lực cứu giải của Quan Phúc lớn mạnh đến mức nào.

Huynh Đệ: nếu họ khá hơn anh chị em thì họ sẽ lo cho Huynh Đệ, nếu họ nghèo khổ thì sẽ được anh chị em giúp đỡ. Và được giúp đỡ tận tình vô điều kiện.

Ý vô tận ngôn, mong quý vị tự nghiền ngẫm và triển khai, hiểu ý thì mong hãy quên lời, chớ nên chấp chặt vào Văn Tự, mặt chữ.

Web Design – Internet

December 7, 2009


LAN – Local Area Network mạng máy tính cục bộ bao gồm máy chủ File Server và máy con Work Station

WAN – Wide Area Network

GAN – Global Area Network


1. Các dịch vụ của Internet:

  1. www
  2. Email
  3. Truyền tập tin FTP File Transfer Protocol
  4. Usenet hay Newsgroup
  5. Chat


2. Nhà cung cấp dịch vụ Internet:

  1. Internet Service Provider ISP
  2. Internet Contents Provider ICP

Địa chỉ định danh URL – Uniform Resource Locator


3. Web browser:

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. FireFox


4. Kết nối internet:

Tool/ Internet Option/ Connection/  LAN settings tick vào phần Proxy Server có address là tên hoặc IP address và Port là con số do computer này chấp nhận


5. Internet Explorer

Ctrl – N                       mở trang mới

F4                                vào khung address

Alt + Tab                     chuyển sang cửa sổ khác

Shift + Backspace       Forward         

Xóa rác Internet, dọn dẹp, bảo trì ổ cứng:     Tool/ Internet Option/ Content/ Auto Complete/ Clear Form or Clear PC Word


6. Tìm kiếm thông tin:

  1. Trang web
  2. Hình ảnh
  3. File văn bản
  4. Video clip
  5. Sound
  6. Software


7. Google:

Tìm kiếm từ chính xác: đặt key words vào giữa dấu ngoặc kép “giá đất”


Tìm thông tin tại các trang web quốc gia cụ thể:

Site:vn (blank) “giá đất”

Tương tự thay thế vn bằng các từ fr – Pháp, us – Mỹ, uk – Anh, ge – Đức, jp – Nhật, ch – Trung Quốc, ko – Hàn Quốc, th – Thái, ru – Nga, ca – Canada


Tìm thông tin chỉ tại 1 website chỉ định cụ thể:

Đánh vào Google chữ chỉ tìm dữ liệu trên trang web tuổi trẻ


Tìm file cụ thể:

Filetype:doc (blank) “giá đất”

Tương tự, thay thế chữ doc bằng các chữ pdf, xls, ppt, chm (file tạo ra để hướng dẫn sử dụng)


Sử dụng Google làm máy tính tay:

Đánh vào ô tìm kiếm số 5+8-3*20 hoặc sqrt(4) hoặc 2^8


Đổi tiền tệ:      200 dollar in vnd

                             1 euros in vnd

                            1800000 vnd in usd

Cần biết thêm về mã tiền tệ


Đổi đơn vị đo lường:             10 inch in meter


Phiên dịch:


Tìm hình ảnh: click vào chữ Hình ảnh trên google, đánh vào ô tìm kiếm vd “Mỹ Tâm” sau đó chọn Hiển thị tùy chọn để chọn kích thước ảnh


Tìm sound:                 các trang web tải nhạc hoặc


Tìm video:        ,


Tải file, software:


Lưu trang web: File → Save As


Lưu hình ảnh: Click chuột phải chọn Save Picture As hoặc Drag Drop

Dạng drag drog chỉ có tác dụng đối với hình trình bày trên website, không có tác dụng đối với hình làm hyperlink.

Nên mở nhiều cửa sổ để drag drop: click chuộc phải ở thanh Taskbar của Window, chọn Show window side by side . Chọn View/ Thumb nail để thấy trực tiếp hình ảnh


Download media: sử dụng IE rất bất tiện, phải sử dụng Download Manager hoặc Orbit Downloader (download được cả trang web cấm không cho download, chọn chuột phải Grab)

Ghi chú: phần mềm Key logger để săn bắt ký tự trên bàn phím, tốt nhất là nên copy/ paste để nó không bắt được. Ngoài ra còn có phần mềm cho phép lần lượt gửi thư cho từng người trong address (giống kiểu spam)


8. Các loại software:     

Demo – chỉ cho chạy 1 số tính năng

Trial – cho chạy đầy đủ các tính năng nhưng giới hạn về thời gian sử dụng → crack




9. Phòng chống virus

Các loại virus: file, troyjan, worm

Đường lây truyền virus: usb, email – chat, web đen (spyware, adware)

Cài chương trình quét virus: phải update hàng ngày, có nhà cung cấp tự động update quét virus nhưng phải trả tiền hằng năm và nối mạng để được cập nhật

Các chương trình quét virus miễn phí: Avira, Synmantec…

10. Other

Một trang web có        text      vài kilobyte

                                            hình     5.10 kilobyte/ hình

                                            flash    50 – 200 KB/ hình flash

                                            video   1 phút/ 1MB

                                            sound  1 phút/ 500KB

                                           1 trang báo tuổi trẻ khoảng 500KB

1 kí tự              =          1 byte, 8 bit

1024 bit           =          1 kilobit

1024 byte        =          1 kilobyte

1024 KB         =          1 MB

1024 MB         =          1 GB

1024 GB         =          1 Tetra byte

Scorpio 2010 Horoscope – General:

An excellent year awaits you during 2010. You will find a good amount of progress as well as support from various quarters this year.

Efforts and work carried out in the past would bear fruit now. This year will bring high level of gains and increase in income. Increase in your friend circle will also be present now. Keep up the level of hard work.

Further good possibility of purchase of a house/ conveyance possible this year. There could be gains from real estate and other fixed sources. Creative ideas and increase in your knowledge will increase the level of status for you.

If applicable, birth/ conception of a child possible after May 2010. You will also find very good gains from investments as well as speculation also at times.

New source of income possible this year.

Family might see distances and some amount of diplomatic barriers this year. Your own temperament and luck could be fluctuating till 10th March 2010. Overall a luck period.

Distances in relationships/ love could build up between 9th October 2010 and 19th November 2010. Love life and social life could cause concern. Avoid major decisions in relationships.

Health should be handled cautiously.

Capricorn 2010 Horoscope – General:

2010 would bring its share of challenges. Although there would be period of hurdles and blocks. Still you will find an overall positive period of growth as the level of opportunities in life will pickup from here.

Luck will rise and so will the financial resources this year. An inclination towards religious activities would rise too. Financial inflows would be high between January 2010 and April 2010. There would be expansion in career too.

2nd May 2010 onwards a fall in status could come about.

Avoid holding a position of trust or property in trust. More so between 24th July 2010 and 31st October 2010. Expenses and overheads will rise this year. You would need to control your commitments as things could be trying during this period. Investment and speculation should be avoided at all times.

Health could be below average.

Marriage and relationships will remain turbulent and difficult till June 2010. Temperament of spouse could be particularly difficult till 10th March 2010. Remain cautious or serious, turns could come in relationship.

Career could experience unexpected but temporary blocks between September 2010 and December 2010. 9th October 2010 to 19th November 2010 could be particularly trying.

Love life and romance could see some setbacks during this period.

Keep a long term vision and remain cautious throughout.

2010 India-server

November 29, 2009

Capricorn 2010

Capricorn is the tenth zodiac and is ruled by Saturn. This is one of the most important houses, because it is Saturn’s own territory and forms the house of occupation. Capricorn sign stands for water bounded forests, canals, tanks and wells. In human body, the zodiac sign represents hair, bones, two knees and patella bones. This shows that experts in any field are mostly Capricorn individuals. They are mostly genius personalities. 

The year 2010 would provide good results for the Capricorn individuals, due to the positioning of the planets. Jupiter, placed in the 3rd house, would give good financial support to the individuals born under this sun sign. Change of position or places is also in-store this year, for the Capricorn individuals. Short journeys are on the cards. You might start a write-up about work or your life’s experiences. Regular writers, journalist, columnist would spend a busy time in the entire year.

Saturn placed in ninth house would be good for Capricorn individuals, in the year 2010. This arrangement of the planet, with co-operating Jupiter, would enhance the quality of lifestyle of the Capricorn individuals, in 2010. Shadow planets Rahu and Kethu placed in Twelfth house and Sixth house axis would produce mixed results for you. In the society, you would hold a respectable position and the people around you would accept your influence, quite easily. Hard work would result in completion of pending works. You might buy a new vehicle in 2010. It is advisable to work hard, in order to get the desired results. Sunday is risky day. Wednesday is good for higher studies and to keep good health. Friday is good for any work

2010 Thinkastro

November 29, 2009

Capricorn 2010 Horoscope

Capricorn sign is in middle of changes. A series of eclipse is happening in your sign as well as in your relations. You may be seeing new challenges as well as supports for your self. Your ruler, Saturn, is in Libra and it is very supportive position for your sign. If someone ask me what is your focus area in 2010 as an astrologer, my answer will be Cancer, Capricorn signs and people born within 18 to 27th of any month.

As discussed above, changes are happening in your overall personality. However, your home, career, and life partner may be seeing conflicting interests. This is happening because of conflicting aspects between Pluto-Saturn-and Uranus. This conflict is quite intense upto September 2010.

Financial or emotional matters may occupy your mind especially in first half of the year. You may see huge gain or loss. If it is a gain, this could be in property matters,

Sibling or a neighbor may support you this year in big way. Things might not have been so in 2009.

Based on birthdates, this year will impact all Capricorn differently. If you were born within 17 to 27th date range, this year will be more eventful than others. For people within 22 to 27, marriage-mother-career may demand your attention and planning. Balancing these emotional and relational needs will be required attention especially until September 2010. If you have any weakness in value system, it may come out in open.

If you were born within 17 to 22nd date range, this year will be more about educational or work related changes. However, if you were born within 4 to 15th date range, 2010 is a year of start ups. You may start a new relation or business.

With Mars in your eighth house until June 2010, you may see extreme financial or emotional flows. Some area will be more active at different point in time as mentioned in Table 1. Table 2 is more about Mercury retrograde period i.e not to act just wait period.

2010 may be divided in three equal parts. Middle part is completely different and intense than other two parts. So, plan your major actions in first and last four months period. Let’s discuss major aspects in detail

Eclipses – Dramatic changes

Marriage ,business, or enemies – Unexpected changes

   Culmination point 31 Dec 2009 +/- one month

As year starts, you have a lunar eclipse in your seventh house on 31 December 31, 2009. With Pluto, Venus, Sun, north node, and Mercury in your own house, you might see culmination of a relationship matters.

This one will light your house of partnerships, emphasizing your present alliances but also those from the past. This is a full moon, so your relationship is about to reach a culmination point of great importance.

Most eclipses set up a sudden development, but because so much happens at eclipse time, it is hard to see all the facts at once.Eclipses will illuminate your relationship in a new way, and for some, it will test the strength of the tie.

You may be getting engaged or married, or you may be signing papers with a business associate. Or, if you are married or have a serious business partnership now, you may get good news from your partner. You may hire an agent, business manager, or other expert to help you with your business this month too, and if so, things will move very quickly.

It’s a full moon eclipse, so something is coming to a grand conclusion. It could be good news, or not so good news, but either way, the news of the eclipse will eventually benefit you.

  Initiation point July 11 2010 +/- One month

Another eclipse is happening in same house on July 11. However, this is a new moon and indicates an initiation point in same area. The solar eclipse, July 1, will open a new chapter of professional growth.

The eclipse in Cancer will be a new moon solar eclipse on July 11, and this will bring you a chance to merge energies with another person. That may be in marriage or in business. This new moon will open a whole new path for you in the months ahead. Opportunity to forge a serious relationship will likely strike suddenly, so you may decide to get married under this eclipse, or you may choose to sign a business partner, agent, or manager for your business. See how this works out for you

Self outlook or how other’s looked at you – Unexpected Change / Transform Foundations

  Initiation point January 15 plus +/- one month & Jan 4 2011 +/- one month

With Pluto, Venus, Mercury, Sun, North node, and Moon in your own house, Capricorn will be most supportive sign at this time for all matters. These new moons will open a whole new path for you in the months ahead. These are huge moments of the year to keep your eye on.

New moons tend to be very happy and prepare you for lots of new events and opportunities. This eclipse has the power to give you a completely new lifestyle and outlook. If you are methodical, you can always trace things back to the inception of the idea, and that will usually point to the eclipse.

Sometimes during a solar eclipse, a prominent man will leave your life for any number of reasons. With Saturn in your career chart, if you have been looking for new job, you may see transformation in your career/social status. It may be happening because of your marriage , business, or career moves.

Pluto (passion) is moving in your own house through out 2010. It’s very positive news for your sign. If you were born between 24th and 28th of December, your first house may see intense changes in 2010. Subsequently, you may be busy in 2010. Pluto (transformation-rebirth) can give you completely different outlook and personality.

Second eclipse in same area is little negative. This is on square with Saturn from your career chart. Intensity will be very high and could challenge your social status. Ensure that you are on secure platform.


  Culmination point – June 26 2010 +/- one month:

The initiative which you took near January 2010 may see culmination point near June 26 2010. The lunar eclipse of June 26 at 4° + Capricorn conjoins Pluto and activates a grand cross involving the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, the Moon, and Saturn. These are all within 5° of the four cardinal points. This will be a very important event, for better or worse, with a huge impact on global public opinion.

After this eclipse appears, you will be able to see which endeavors, obligations, or relationships you’d like to nurture and grow and which ones you’d like to end. Pluto is now in Capricorn, considered a very forceful and energetic degree, giving you amazing power and authority. Your sheer determination should lead you to victory.

If on the other hand you have been hoping against hope that a certain relationship would finally come around to being what you had always wanted, you may have to be very realistic. Its main function will be to help you see fulfillment to a dream that is important to you, and only you can say what that happens to be.

Eclipse of June 26 is quite negative as many planets are closely aspected. If you were born near 26th, plus or minus five days, this eclipse may impact above mentioned fields negatively. You need to planned things in advance to tackle this event.


Job and health

  Culmination – Dec 21 2010 +/- one month

After so much focus on relationship, the emphasis on work and health will be more at the lunar eclipse December 21, 2010. Eclipses are always dramatic, for they bring unexpected and often completely unrelated developments from the outside in, and this means there’s a good chance you’ll change your priorities, goals, and timetables.

The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21, 2010 will bring a work-related matter to fullness. A woman co-worker or subordinate may leave, and if so, you will likely be completely surprised by her announcement to depart. If you are self-employed, you may find a silver lining to this situation.

If you work for an employer, you may be able to see an upside, too. You may qualify for overtime pay, or a raise, for after all, you’ll be doing the work of two for a while, until another person can be hired.

You must watch your health this month. Pay special attention to teeth, bones, and skin. You seem to be surrounded with medical personnel this month. You may find yourself in a hospital, rehab center, physical therapy center, or nursing home this month, possibly as a visitor or caregiver


Other Major Aspects

Major Aspect – Pluto-Uranus-Saturn (marriage –career-domestic health) T square (May to August-2010)

This is the major T square between three major planets. If you were born near December 22-27 range, your marriage, career, and domestic health will be on drastic changes. However, if you were born within January 14-21, this impact will be seen in health and work sector. This aspect is quite intense and may need your full attention in middle of 2010.

Since 2008, Saturn and Uranus are in opposition. This opposition cycle will last longer than most as Saturn and Uranus face off a total of five times between November 2008 and July of 2010. The fourth phase takes place April 26, 2010, in exact aspect to Neptune. Neptune demands that we become visionaries and transcend boundaries that limit ordinary mortals, and in doing so there is sometimes a dissolving of aspects of our life that limit us (Saturn).

Things heat up starting in mid May, as Saturn opposes Jupiter and Uranus. Then, Uranus enters Aries and, a few days later, is joined by the Moon and Jupiter at exactly 0° Aries. Meanwhile, Pluto is at 3-4°+ Capricorn and Saturn is at 28° Virgo, forming a T-square with the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. Mars at 29°+ Leo opposes Neptune and Chiron. The key is to channel all this energy in constructive ways.

The fifth phase on July 26, 2010 occurs at -0- degrees Aries and Libra, within range of a square to Pluto at 3 degrees Capricorn. The addition of the square from Pluto will create greater urgency and pressure for conflict and war in order to achieve the goal of change and transformation (Pluto) into a new way (Uranus) of living as societies (Saturn) in the world. At the same time square is happening between Saturn to Pluto (visiting three times between November 2009 and August 2010).

A cardinal grand cross is formed on August 6-7, 2010, involving Jupiter-Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The Sun at 15° Leo makes stressful aspects to the entire grand cross. Calm and balance will be needed to deal with the relentless stressful aspects.

Final aspect of this series in 2010 will take place on August 21. At that time your relationship health could be at crossroad. If you handle the situation with care, you could come out of it with confidence.


Career health – Be cautiously Optimistic in (except April 7 to July 21) – Structured Balance

Saturn has started movement in Libra since October 29, 2009. Saturn is exalted in Libra. Saturn represents government leaders and especially presidents. Libra has rulership over bedrooms, boudoirs, boutiques, beauty parlors, closets, florists and private chambers.

It could test strength of your career management. This test may be more intense within May 2010 and September 2010. I am saying this as a major aspect within Pluto-Uranus-Saturn which we will discuss in next paragraph. Mars (impulsive actions) will activate the same house along with Saturn from July 29 to September 14.


Partner’s income, loan , or taxes –Impulsive actions –until June 7

Mars is visiting your partner’s income house for seven months until June 7. Any loan or tax commitment may come under social test.


Domestic health, mother, or property– Drive planned changes –May 27 to September 19

Middle of 2010 is slightly different than other parts. Jupiter will visit Aries from June 7 to September 8 and Uranus will visit the same sign from May 27 to August 13. This is exceptional support from Geocosmic energies in your domestic health or mother chart. On June 8 and September 19, both planets will be conjunct together and will send extremely positive vibes to your sign. You must expand your domestic base at that time.


Travel, education, spirituality, or in-laws (April 7 to July 21) – Disciplined Boundaries

You might have been seeing intense pressures in above areas in 2009. Same constraint may come back to you starting April 7, 2010 to July 29, 2010. Mars (impulsive action) and Saturn (disciplined boundaries) will visit the same house. If situation is not going too well in some area, this visit may increase pain in these areas. However, after July 29, you may see relaxation in your career outlook.


Sibling, contract, neighbor, or short distance travel : Expansive Change/ Unexpected Future

Two major planets Uranus and Jupiter are visiting your 3rd house this year. You have good support to your communication. Many Capricorn may buy new car, mobile, or i-pod this year. If you have taken a risk in 2009, this could turn out for the best. 2010 is excellent for all these areas. However, if you were born near end of Capricorn i.e. 18- 21, this rise may not be very easy 

2010 123newyear

November 29, 2009

The Capricorn horoscope 2010 brings much success and good things for Capricorn people as compared to the new year 2010.

In addition there would be higher income growths as well as growth opportunities in the year ahead. The year may also bring along some problems, which can be removed only with the positive attitude of Capricorn people. However these problems would remain only for a short period. The Capricorn horoscope 2010 also opens many growth opportunities for people born under this zodiac sign. They can get leadership position in the companies where they are working.

Capricorn Career, Love, Finance Horoscope

The horoscope 2010 calls for expansion of horizons in the professional field. The 2010 horoscope talks of an exciting love relationship for Capricorn people. The horoscope says that the people born under this sign would be admired and loved.

People who are in a relationship may expect love to grow in their relationships, while those who are planning to grow their family can also expect something positive. Those Capricorn people who are single can be sure to get married or get associated in a relationship. Those Capricorn people who own their business can witness many positive gains as well as chances to grow their business.

The horoscope says that the Capricorn people should try to convert their hobbies into work, so that life can become all the more enjoyable for them. The Capricorn people should learn to accept opportunities as they come and work according to it.

2010 Astrology.horoscope

November 29, 2009

Your Trends for 2010:

Get ready! 2010 will be an exciting year for every sign, for several reasons. One of the primarily cosmic culprits is red-hot Mars, the ancient God of War and the current astrological ruler of passion, excitement, and action – obviously, not a boring kind of guy. He’ll be wearing Leo, an equally red-hot Fire Sign that will put Mars in the mood to have fun and, even more importantly, to push aggressively to be the star of the show.

Now, Mars usually spends about two months in a sign, but this time, he’ll be in Leo for nine months. The thermostat of that sign began to rise when he entered Leo in mid-October of 2009, but it will stay hot until June of 2010. This will give every sign a chance to share the spotlight and make its mark on the world – in many different ways, of course

For example, you Fire Signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will have plenty of chances to do something that’s at the very top of your list of favorite things: to take chances, in all departments, but most especially in romance, since that’s at the top of Leo’s specialty list. Now, since Mars rules passion, you’ll need to be careful of just how passionate things become – in other words, keep an eye out for jealousy, and don’t let little things turn into major issues. Of course, you’ll be having so much fun with exciting new friends and unexpected adventures that it’s unlikely that will happen, but it’s best to be cautious.  (…)

Since fire and air get along just fine, you Air Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) will also enjoy Mars’ trip through Leo. Fire – heat, that is – makes air move faster, and there’s nothing you three signs love better than movement. Don’t be surprised to find that a long-term friend may suddenly be interested in more from you – much more, in fact. Your decision, of course, will depend on many factors, but as usual for you intellectual air folk, you’ll need to do some serious thinking before you announce your “final answer” to both your prospective new partner – and yourself!

You Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are experts in the department of emotions, and you won’t be left out of the action during 2010

In fact, all your feelings will be running on high thanks to generous, outgoing Jupiter, the King of the Gods. He’ll spend most of the year in sensitive Pisces, who specializes in intuition, tweaking your antennae. Now, providing that you listen to that voice at the back of your head, Jupiter in Pisces will bring each of you absolutely nothing but the best in the department of emotions – and when it gets down to it where you three are concerned, what else really matters?

Speaking of water, from early September through the end of the year, Venus, the Goddess of Love, will tiptoe through sexy, intense Scorpio, bringing all signs the chance to make a wonderful first impression, no matter who you’re meeting or why you want to put them under your spell.

If you’re single, you should be careful not to toy with anyone’s feelings. If you’re not truly interested, don’t flirt – not even a little. If you’re extremely interested, go ahead and have at it! You definitely won’t be refused.  (…)  

If you’re attached, let’s just say that your partner better be ready to take your relationship to the next step – to a far deeper level, that is – because you certainly will be, and if they stall you might start looking around for the next lucky contender.

As for you materially fortunate Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), you’ll have some wonderful planetary envoys of your own on duty, including respectable, responsible Saturn, who’ll be in Virgo until July 21, urging all three of you to work hard on your finances and take good care of your possessions. There’s no denying Saturn, so prepare to work, and work hard. Now, you’ve never been afraid of hard work, so instead of being a weight around your neck, Saturn will be a powerful ally.

Let’s look more into power. Remember that Pluto, an extremely powerful planet (yes, of course he’s still an astrological planet!), will spend the year in earthy Capricorn, endowing all of you Earth Signs with what will feel like actual super powers once you set your sights on something – or someone. Talk about empowering!

As if this isn’t enough to let you know – positively, absolutely, and once and for all – that you’re in charge of your own destiny, there’s the Solar Eclipse of January 15 and the Lunar Eclipse of June 26, both of which will be quite helpful. Eclipses bring together the heaven’s “lights” – the Sun and Moon – pointing them both toward the same result. In this case, both will occur in sturdy Capricorn, Saturn’s own sign, so no matter how you look at it, you Earth Signs will be super-charged with energy this year.

In a nutshell, during 2010, every Sun Sign will be given a jumpstart in one way or another! Regardless of which sign you are or which planets are working with you to help you make changes in your life, your mission is to enjoy it, cooperate, and, above all else, enjoy every moment of your exciting new year!

Now, read on. Your monthly forecasts will help you see how to work with all these energies as well as others we haven’t mentioned yet to make them work for you – which really won’t be all that hard once you know what to expect, and how to deal with the possibilities they present. Most of all, remember that it’s our reactions to what life tosses our way that shape our attitudes, and our attitudes shape our lives. Stay positive, and your life will be positive!

 January, 2010

What a month, Capricorn! January always finds you working hard, both on your career and on yourself, but this month will be the topper! Four planets will spend much of January in your own sign and your house of personality, bringing out all your famous Capricorn qualities: duty, respectability, responsibility, and, most important, the determination to keep every promise you make. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t do everything before the 15th, though. Mercury will be retrograde until then, making it difficult for even the best-made plans to work out. Until then, rely on another of your qualities: patience

February, 2010

Pluto’s presence in your sign and house of personality has been affecting you for months – years, even, Capricorn – and it’s far from over. In fact, since this powerful God of the Underworld will meet up with Jupiter, the King of Mount Olympus, you’ll have two of the heaven’s most powerful allies on your side. They’ll meet up officially on February 6, but well before and after that, you’ll be able to chat anyone up, thanks to Jupiter in your house of communications, and Pluto’s ability to attract anyone. Careful – you may end up with too many admirers

March, 2010

Your month will be split in half, Capricorn, divided by two astrological packs who’ll demand nothing less than all of your determined Earth Sign energy. From the 1st on, you’ll be focused on helping out with the affairs of siblings, neighbors, and long-time friends. Once the 7th arrives, however, with loving Venus’ passage into your house of home and family matters, you’ll be able to ease up and enjoy life. That will go double after the 17th, when a parade of planets in Aries will charge through that same house, absolutely demanding your attention – and some relaxation!

April, 2010

Ever heard of “power-naps,” Capricorn? If not, ask a Fire Sign friend – an uncontested authority on the subject. The idea is to grab a few good, uninterrupted moments of shut-eye whenever you can on a busy day. You’ll have plenty of those this month, thanks to three planets in Taurus, the hardest-working sign in the Star Business. They’ll be passing through your house of love affairs, however, so you won’t have to worry about “busy” equaling “working too hard.” In fact, you won’t think about work until Venus enters Gemini on the 25th, and then, somehow work will become fun!

May, 2010

You’ll be in the mood to travel now, Capricorn – that’s for sure. Whether you decide to travel long-distance or just take a few days off for a long weekend in the vicinity – well, that will be the worst decision you’ll have to make besides whether or not you’ll want to go alone or bring your sweetheart along. Once Mercury turns direct on the 11th, it will be a lot easier for you to get in contact with the one you care for, so you’ll probably want to go with them. Extend the invitation, and expect it to be accepted

June, 2010

Something is about to change – Big Time – in your home and family life, Capricorn. Oh, but not to worry – this will be one of those changes that brings you joy, and lots of it. Big-hearted Jupiter will set off for your house of home, family, and emotions on the 6th, wearing Aries, the hottest sign in the Zodiac. Two days later, he’ll contact startling Uranus, too, so all changes will occur under most unpredictable circumstances. And then there’s the Lunar Eclipse that will illuminate your relationship axis on the 26th! Whew! Better rest up while you can!

July, 2010

Career just so happens to be your most famous specialty, Capricorn, so hearing that you’re about to begin a two-and-a-half-year concentrated course in that life department won’t bother you at all – especially since the instructor will be Saturn himself, your very own planet. This professional guy will enter your house of career on the 21st, all done up in Libra. Now, this sign just loves to work with a partner, so if you’re thinking about a partnership and all conditions are right, it’s time to stop thinking and do it now!

August, 2010

Pluto’s long-term trek through your house of personality and appearance has made you even more of a powerhouse than you were before, Capricorn – which is really saying something. You’ve always been the “take-charge” type, ready to do your job and at least three others, and to do them well. Speaking of Pluto, he’ll meet up with expansive Jupiter on the 3rd – and Jupiter is no slacker himself. The two will make you feel as if you have super powers! Oh, and when Saturn – your own planet – joins the party on the 16th – well, you’ll be virtually unstoppable!

September, 2010

Happy news, Capricorn! On the 12th, Mercury will put an end to his three-week retrograde and finally turn direct in your house of long-distance places and people. So, that person you’ve been trying desperately to find? Go ahead and start looking again, online or via old friends. You’ll finally stop hitting walls and find some good, solid leads. Once you do find them, keep in mind that excessive Jupiter and Uranus, who don’t know the definition of boundaries, are traveling together in your house of communication, so trying to hold back from saying absolutely everything on your mind just won’t work

October, 2010

Three planets in balance-loving Libra will tiptoe through your house of career this month, Capricorn, all of them demanding (nicely) that you either create or accept a job that will make you happy. It may be time for you to make some serious changes in your professional life – but that won’t be a problem, because once the 8th arrives and Venus turns retrograde, you’ll be more than willing to change lots of things, including the type of people you spend your days with. The Moon in Gemini (and your house of work) from the 25th through the 27th will seal the deal.

November, 2010

You’ll probably spend the first week of the month with old friends, Capricorn, and one of them could make you a wonderful offer – a business offer – the kind that you may be able to turn into a wonderful career move. Venus, the goddess of not just love, but also money, will move into Libra and your house of professional matters on the 7th – but take your time. Have someone you trust who knows the business look over the fine print first. The time to act is after the 18th, when both Venus and Jupiter, the King of Wealth, turn direct

December, 2010

You’re one of the most organized signs in the heavens, Capricorn, whose pet peeve is plans that don’t come together the way they should. Fortunately, you pride yourself on always having Plan B ready. That will come in handy during the first half of the month, as communicative Mercury slows down to turn retrograde – in your sign! – on the 10th. This may wreak havoc on at least some of your plans, but you’ll recover, and by the 18th, when Mercury slips into your house of privacy, you may even appreciate those missed appointments. They’ll give you some much-needed time to yourself!

2010 Master Rao – Western

November 29, 2009

1. Love

First trimester – Rather contrasted sentimental climate. Your heart will experience the hot and the cold at close intervals, you’ll hesitate between carnal passion and almost ethereal tenderness. You’ll have to fight a hard struggle against yourself, and in doing this you may not spare those whom you love. You’d be well inspired to control your temporary indecision, otherwise people won’t know how to deal with you

Second trimester – You’ll run the risk of being confronted with sentimental problems quite difficult to solve. However much attached to your mate you may be, you’ll nevertheless want to flit about, to fly from flower to flower. Measure out the consequences of your fickle comportment, and remember that social conventions are everlasting. If you belong to the third decan, a charming person whom you deem harmless might very well make you succumb to romantic love. As a result, you’ll find yourself utterly under his/her spell. But, after all, this won’t be so terrible as it seems!

Third trimester – Your sentiments will be so powerful that, even though the encounter took place only a few weeks before, you’ll at once want to seal your love officially. Don’t let yourself be blinded. Make sure that your desire to immortalize everything immediately is not the easy solution, a way to calm yourself, to excuse yourself from thinking. Give yourself time and pains to go deeply into the subject. Think together before deciding to bind yourselves one to the other eternally for the best as well as for the worst. Remember that “whoever marries in haste repents at leisure” (English proverb).

Fourth trimester – Your relationships with the other sex will be tinted with romanticism. Singles of the sign will all have good – or rather bad? – chances to fall in love. Encounters will be pleasurable, but there’ll be little chance – or risk? – of their ending up with a marriage.


2. Career

First trimester – You can go ahead without fears in your job as this period seems ripe for an intensification of your efforts within the framework of your legitimate and reasonable ambitions. Don’t hesitate to put your relationships into play, but of course always with a minimum of diplomacy.

Second trimester – The planetary tendency seems to be very favorable to independent professions. Enterprises undertaken previously could take a more and more profitable turn. What is essential for the moment will be to show more initiative so as to transform the present positive trend into total and definite success. Continue to steer for the goals you have set, despite the changing streams and ideas that will not fail to occur around you. Tenacity and steadfastness will prove most beneficial.

Third trimester – With such an astral climate dominated by Saturn, a great professional success seems improbable at this moment. You’d better keep a low figure for some time. You won’t run any risk if you’re wise and patient enough to postpone your most ambitious project. But keep your eyes wide open so as to pick propitious circumstances as soon as they loom on the horizon and to profit by them to the maximum, for “Jupiter himself cannot recover a lost opportunity” (Phaedrus

Fourth trimester – Few obstacles will come to obstruct your road. You can therefore put your various projects into practice. But it may happen to you, by moments, to be a little demotivated, quite simply because easiness doesn’t suit you. If you envisage to change your career, it’s now that you must take steps to do it. Thanks to the support of the star Jupiter, such steps will prove every encouraging, positive, and constructive


3. Health

First trimester – You’ll doubtlessly feel certain generalized fatigue which is due to the conflict between the stars Mars and Neptune. Take magnesium, calcium, or trace elements. Avoid a too passionate or stressing way of life. Beware of risks of accidents, for instance if you do sport or if you drive a car over a long distance. If you do odd jobs, carefully read the users’ guides of the tools which you’ll use for the first time: a wrong move, and a drama may occur!

Second trimester – You’ll have an interest in controlling your uric acid level, especially if you belong to the second decan. Refrain from game, variety meat, shellfish, delicatessen, spinach, sorrel, mushroom, and cabbage. Eat red meat rather than white meat. Some of you will have to watch closely over their liver and gall bladder. They must eat cereals, fresh vegetables. Fennel and globe artichoke are recommended to them. This time, your physical well-being will depend more on your reason than on external circumstances. Reduce your consumption of tobacco, alcohol and other stimulants. A total relaxation would be welcome.

Third trimester – Your joy of living as well as the good turn of your business depends on your state of health; don’t forget that. So, amid the general excitement which will characterize this period, establish a regular timetable for yourself, providing enough hours of rest and recuperation. As your liver and stomach will be momentarily weak and migraines are to be feared, control your diet and your drinks: make use of moderation and abstemiousness, please

Fourth trimester – Prospects of difficult or agitated sleep. In order to sleep well, as far as possible avoid harassing reading, heated discussions, and too long or too violent television shows in the evening. Once in your bed, think of something very pleasurable. Don’t forget that love-making is the best sleeping pill!


4. Finance

First trimester – The astral climate will be favorable to business associations. If you have a financial partner, do everything in your power not to break up the relations. Tackle your financial problems vigorously. You can find ideal solutions. It will also be possible to carry out good investment operations during this period.

Second trimester – You’ll be able to conduct an important financial transaction concerning family possessions. Everything will turn out to the satisfaction of all the parties involved and at your advantage. As far as gambling is concerned, it seems that you have the possibility to win – maybe not the grand prize but nevertheless something that would exceed your stakes

Third trimester – If you pursue an independent or commercial career, you can expect exceptional chances during this period. Indeed, the planet Mercury usually presents workers in such sectors with rewards when it’s well supported by other planets. But “when rubles fall from the sky, the unlucky man has no bag” (Russian proverb). However, it can be hoped that this will not be your case since you’ve been forewarned!

Fourth trimester – This astral climate will favor certain financial aspects. This could be for some natives an occasion to activate the reimbursement of debts, and for others the time to apply to Justice so as to get an increase of allowances or pensions. Don’t count on luck at gambles these days.


5. My advice for the year

You’ll have a tremendous appetite for living. You’ll be more interested in innovations than before, and this will enable you to stay aloof from the past that has somewhat hindered you.

Very often you will succeed in whatever you undertake, thus strengthening your optimism and your self-confidence.

Devote more of your time to leisure and entertainments, to yourself and your loved ones.

To open your mind to new ideas, to forgo your selfishness, to judge the others without mistaking – all this will be possible for you this year thanks to the stars’ unconditional help.

Try to throw away all your preset ideas, categorical views, uncompromising stands as well as your resentments against those who do not share your opinions.


The influence of your ascendant

Ascendant in Scorpio – Two planets will be there to transform simple liaisons into durable love relations. If you recently encountered someone, don’t hesitate any longer to declare your love for him (her). Those who’re already bound will know how to revive passion and nurture it.

Rabbit (Cat) — January 2010

First two weeks
The planet Dao Hoa, the goddess of love, becomes your ally by positioning herself in a sign which is well related to yours. This is what promises you a harmonious period if you’re married. If you’re single, you’ll be very prone to flirtation but not really ready to commit yourself seriously. In some cases, you’ll have to reckon with the impact of the opposition between the planets Tham Lang and Tang Mon which is particularly strong this time. Tang Mon being a star who governs life à deux, some natives of this sign can have communication difficulties in couple; but this will concern a very small minority of you.

Last two weeks
The love sectors of your natal chart host no planet. This leaves to suppose that your sentimental life will be immune from great upheavals. You’ll even benefit from the support of the planet Dao Hoa. If you’re living a stable union, this celestial protection will help you to establish agreeable relationships with your spouse or mate. But if you’re lonely, it’s probable that this planet’s action alone won’t be enough to bring about a really important encounter.


Rabbit (Cat) — February 2010

First two weeks
If you’re married, profit by this favorable period in order to cast a new look on your spouse. Even though routine sometimes reigns between you two, you’ll have the ability to realize to what extent it’s the small moments of everyday life, the instants of tenderness and sharing, sometimes without a word, that are important and not the great romantic outbursts which are ultimately a little artificial. If you’re lonely, the planets Dao Hoa, Hoa Tinh and Tu Vi will certainly help you to make a nice encounter. In order to transform this emotional outburst into a durable love story, drive away your fear of being refused or abandoned and let love get born and grow at its own pace in your heart as well as in the other one’s. Happiness will crown your patience.

Last two weeks
The planet Tu Vi will bring you the support of chance in several domains of your life. But be sure that your love life will be the first to profit by it. If you live in couple, this impact will permit you to recover solid complicity with your mate. But it’s particularly lonely natives who’ll benefit from this celestial influence which will bring them a very important encounter. Single folks, open your eyes: amorous happiness could very well befall you quite unexpectedly!


Rabbit (Cat) — March 2010

First two weeks
The presence of the Sun and of the star That Sat will favor encounters, emotional outbursts, and sensual pleasures. But the planet Cu Mon may render you demanding and difficult to charm. As for the star Dieu Khach, he’ll cause some difficulties to couples. If things don’t go well, you won’t want to make an effort and your mate will sulk!

Last two weeks
Everything should go at best on the sentimental plane. However, beware not to show yourself too possessive: this could drive away your mate or the person whom you’d like to conquer. Some natives of the sign will even see their other half try to seduce another man/woman right under their noses! Don’t lend much importance to such incidents because they’ll prove inconsequential


Rabbit (Cat) — April 2010

First two weeks
The star Thanh Long will surely provoke great liveliness in the life of single natives, rendering them very swaggering. Some of them will accumulate adventures without a future; but most of them will fall madly in love and will have the desire to commit themselves unreservedly. If you’re living a stable relation, Thanh Long will have a lesser impact on your love affairs. It’s the star Thien Phuc who’ll command by allowing you to establish with your spouse or mate relationships that are warm, full of tenderness and complicity.

Last two weeks
A relatively quiet period heartwise. One must reckon with the planet Thien Tai who’ll incite to idealize the beloved one for the best but also for the worst. If you’re single, try not to have too many illusions; you may embellish reality and lend remarkable qualities to a person who’ll seem quite ordinary when all is said and done!


Rabbit (Cat) — May 2010

First two weeks
The planet Van Khuc will mostly influence married natives whose conjugal life will once again be rather difficult to manage. Of course, now that the star Thien Viet has gone from your sky, you’ll be ready to make concessions which would have seemed impossible to you lately. But the planet Van Khuc will incline to radical decisions, and all those whose couple goes awry can be tempted by a separation. If you’re single, it’s Lam Quan who’ll influence your love affairs this time. An intellectual planet, Lam Quan inclines to seduce, to flirt, to play; but he doesn’t favor sensuality.

Last two weeks
The planet Thien Viet will position himself in a sector related to love. This astral movement will be more strongly felt by singles than by married natives. Indeed, Thien Viet will give you the desire to stabilize your sentimental life, to commit yourself for good. Numerous lonely souls will become more demanding in love and will let themselves be seduced only by a person who’ll give them the desire to try the adventure of marriage.


Rabbit (Cat) — June 2010

First two weeks
With this kind of planetary climate, your love affairs should hardly cause problems; however in exchange you can hardly expect an exceptionally euphoric period. Thus there’ll be nothing out of the ordinary, an agreeable routine if you’re wise enough to understand that it’s the small nothings of everyday life and not great passionate outbursts that make amorous happiness.

Last two weeks
Finally the planet Da La leaves the love sector of your natal chart. Whew! This will clearly lighten the ambience for many couples who’ve just gone through a phase of disagreement or more simply of lack of sexual gusto. If you’re a lonely heart, this celestial movement will also be favorable: indeed, you’ll show yourself much less strict and demanding and, by the same token, an adventure can finally tempt you


Rabbit (Cat) — July 2010

First two weeks
You’ll most probably be a little less dreamy and romantic. But thanks to the planet Phong Cao your relationships with your mate will be warm and sensual. Be careful, though, not to let this nice mutual understanding be spoiled by family or other problems.

Last two weeks
With this aspect of the planet Linh Tinh, you’re going to enter an important and positive phase on the amorous plane. Couples will stake on a new lease of life, except for some rare cases where there’s such disharmony as only rupture can be envisaged. For single natives, this period will prove very favorable: the stars promise them a romantic and passionate encounter.


Rabbit (Cat) — August 2010

First two weeks
Happiness will lie in wait for you. The most beneficial planets of the Zodiac will be in the sentimental sectors of your chart – Phong Cao, the master of good luck, and Linh Tinh, a goddess of love. These two planets will be favorable to those who’re living in couple and who’ll strengthen their sensual as well as intellectual ties; and also to single people, quite a number of whom will come across the person they’re waiting for.

Last two weeks
Nothing will be perfectly rosy yet, but you can anyhow count on the planet Linh Tinh to enhance your love life. Moreover, the star An Quang will intensify your desire. Quite a number of you have had to suffer from sentimental or sexual difficulties with their mate, but this time it’s all over! Profit by this bright spell to negotiate a reconciliation.


Rabbit (Cat) — September 2010

First two weeks
The planet Quoc An should protect your love affairs. But beware since your sentimental life will still remain under the influence of the planet Van Khuc. The situation of couples will be somewhat less tense than lately. But you must not let your mate shut himself/herself up in a refusal of any dialog and any concession. On the other hand, Van Khuc may condemn certain natives to a phase of isolation which they’ll find more unbearable than usual. Try not to let yourself be swamped with negative emotions.

Last two weeks
If you live in couple, you may fantasize about someone else than your mate. It’s quite possible that you’ve no desire whatsoever to act. Most probably you’ll satisfy yourself with dreaming of the one who’ll have attracted your attention. It will be better this way since the person in question by no means corresponds to what you imagine.


Rabbit (Cat) — October 2010

First two weeks
Your sentimental life should be thrilling. In the program: desire and passion for couples and, for singles, a very important encounter. But watch out: you should beware of the impact of the planet Van Khuc who may render you too demanding.

Last two weeks
It’s once again Truc Phu who can provoke some tensions in your sentimental life. Truc Phu is by nature a rather disturbing planet. Indeed, he entails a need of authenticity which may endanger all shaky amorous relationships; moreover, when he forms negatives combinations with other planets, he puts in full glare the difficulties that one habitually tries to hide from others or from oneself. Therefore this period may be difficult to live for couples whose relation is not deep and sincere. For other natives, Truc Phu will exert no influence. As for singles, they won’t be in a mood to flirt and will be moved only if they make a really outstanding encounter.


Rabbit (Cat) — November 2010

First two weeks
The stars Linh Tinh and An Quang, these two protectors of lovers, will form positive configurations with other planets. As a result, a definite chance of an important encounter for numerous single natives, and a period of great complicity and nice sensuality in couple.

Last two weeks
Absolute calm in the love domain. You who’re habitually so romantic will this time concern yourself with other preoccupations. Your couple life will go without a hitch. If you’re single, the period does not seem very favorable to an encounter. However, be patient, good things will come along soon.


Rabbit (Cat) — December 2010

First two weeks
The star Dieu Khach will be alone to influence your love affairs. And as he’ll form no noticeable aspect with the other planets, your sentimental life will go through a very quiet phase. If you live alone, be patient: you’ll soon have the right to the support of Heaven and then your loneliness will come to an end.

Last two weeks
If your conjugal life is very shaky, this period may prove harrowing. But if your understanding with your mate is solid, then you both will know how to remain accomplices despite some small dissensions concerning work or relationships with the greater family. If you’re single, the present planetary configuration will render you more demanding than ever in love.

2010 Master Rao – Chinese

November 29, 2009

1. General Situation

The star Thien Hinh in excellent aspects will shower his benefits. Numerous will thus be natives of the sign who’ll show a state of mind that’s less down-to-earth, less immediately centered on material concerns. Some of you will desire to put something else into their existence, turning more willingly toward philosophy, religion, or parapsychology. Should this be the case, they’ll generally go about it with much curiosity, but will remain indifferent to the urging appeals of self-styled gurus or of religious sects.

Your best advantage this year will paradoxically be Tham Lang who’ll be present in your sign most of the time. This austere planet will be rather oppressive by moments. But Tham Lang does not only have defects, far from it! He harbors many qualities that you won’t have much difficulty to exploit to your profit, all the more so as such qualities are in accordance with your temperament. Tham Lang renders you correct, ambitious, orderly, and hard-working. Now, you’re one of the most realistic and efficacious signs of the Zodiac. You’ll then spontaneously know how to profit by the presence of the star Tham Lang so as to build your destiny on solid bases, notably as far as the professional and financial fields are concerned.


2. Love

First trimester – With the wink of the star Tuan, your couple life will be harmonious. Nevertheless, try to avoid being negligent toward your mate: A gentle word, a small attention can work wonders; on the contrary, some unconcern may provoke useless dissension. If you’re still a lonely heart, you will these days seriously envisage to legalize your current amorous relations and to settle down in life “like everyone”.

Second trimester – Profit well by this favorable period to live your love affairs which will be without storms or clouds. Provide yourself with a nest safe from prying eyes so as to exchange tender kisses. What’s important will be to shelter your sweet intimacy from the indiscretion of others. Single natives will have nothing to worry about. If their love life lacks some spice, they will in compensation enjoy the calm that is necessary to them. Moreover, marriage can be envisaged with every chance of success

Third trimester – You’ll see to it that your couple life be a succession of privileged moments. First, by strengthening your complicity ties with your spouse or mate and by staking more than ever on dialog. Second, by multiplying leisure activities with the other one and by enjoying with him/her the pleasures of existence. This blessed philosophy will get you much nearer to your sweet half. Single folks, you should show yourselves patient! Oh yes, you’ll certainly have some emotional outbursts these days, but there’ll be nothing really shattering

Fourth trimester – The stars Luu Ha and Dia Vong will settle down in the sector of couple life. If you’re already living in couple, your relationships with your mate will be very satisfactory, marked with sensuality and intellectual complicity. If you’re living alone, an important encounter may take place. Open your eyes wide, for if you fall in love there’ll be every chance that this will become a durable story.


3. Career

First trimester – You never spare your efforts at reaching your professional objectives. However, you’ll these days feel like you’re getting nowhere. Oppositions within your work team will provoke difficulties. You’ll have to make use of patience and diplomacy, those very qualities that it will be difficult for you to practice because of the restricting influence of the star Phuong Cac. With this being said, it might perhaps be the time for you to let off steam. Pressure and tiredness are indeed inclining you toward negligence, sloppiness, dull presence of mind, and a relative lack of initiative and combativeness.

Second trimester – During the first month of this period, the circumstances will be favorable to your professional success. The stars will protect you and facilitate all your moves and initiatives. Therefore you’ll have every reason to be optimistic. Do not miss the boat! From the second month onwards, good prospects of a change in career will be offered to you. This may be proposals for a change of company, a radical change of the kind of work, or a change of work place. You’ll be well advised to show daring and inventiveness, whatever your branch of activity may be.

Third trimester – During the first two months of this period, you’ll get good results in your work. However, your clear-cut opinions and your refusal to make concessions may provoke clashes with fellow-workers. A little more flexibility would help you avoid many useless setbacks. During the remainder of the period, you’ll be all but a dilettante. On the contrary, you’ll be set on achieving your projects by sparing neither your efforts nor your time. The reward will take much time to come, which will incline you even more to perseverance.

Fourth trimester – Your professional comportment will change at the beginning of this period. You’ll be compelled to solve your problems drastically, to weigh the pros and the cons on all occasions. Beware not to provoke too violent shocks; you can achieve your objectives more surely if you work calmly. From the second month of the period on, you’ll become more determined, more active, more dynamic. You’ll be more inclined than ever to privilege the future and to take drastic decisions. Good success in the last month.


4. Health

First trimester – Slight tendency to constipation these days. Think of increasing the volume of your feces with foods rich in fibers. Drink much plain or gaseous, mineral or spring water, but at least half hour before or after your meals. Do not above all have recourse to laxatives which may provoke “false diarrheas” and make your whole digestive system go awry. Apart from this, you’ll have no reason to be concerned about your health. If necessary, it would be the right moment to take up a small diet program. In any case, abstain from tobacco and alcohol for your organism will greatly need to clean itself up. Take much rest and wide air. Practice a slightly violent sport

Second trimester – Most of the time you’ll enjoy good physical resilience and great power of recuperation after an effort. Do not however take unfair advantage of your vitality – do not try to overstep your limits, otherwise you’ll have to regret it. Avoid drinking too much tea or coffee. If you smoke, stop doing it once for all! The end of the period will find you subject to some insomnia, even though you’ve no reason for concern. Infusions of chamomile, marjoram, fennel and above all orange flowers will calm you down. In order to have an even better chance to recover sleep, eat every evening a lettuce salad seasoned with soy oil and flavored with a spoonful of wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, or some fresh mint leaves. Eat a yogurt as well. Figs, nuts, and pineapples are also favorable to sleep. Listen to soft music while going to sleep

Third trimester – You’ll be rather nervous, you’ll have difficulty relaxing. But your general tonicity will compensate this nervous frailty and allow you to recuperate sufficiently fast, even though your sleep somewhat leaves to be desired or is sometimes troubled with nightmares. Practice yoga or relaxation. Be careful about your food as, considering the astral aspects, there will be some risks of an intoxication these days. Only eat foods that are unquestionably fresh; carefully notice the use-by dates written on labels.

Fourth trimester – The first month of the period will be rather bad for your nervous resiliency and may account for certain dangers, lack of self-control, and impatience. Be as vigilant as possible at your driving wheel and in the practice of a sport. Return of allergies, and comeback of joint rheumatisms. But for the trimester as a whole you should enjoy sufficiently good health most of the time. You’ll work very hard and indulge in numerous activities without feeling tired. Beware of circulatory troubles which may appear these days. On the contrary, bronchites and lung disorders can be treated efficiently.

5. Finance

First trimester – You should not have many concerns on the financial plane this time. But on condition, of course, that you remain prudent. Indeed, the star Quoc An has stopped affecting your budgetary balance, which should bring about a real improvement. But don’t forget that the star Thien Rieu will still be present in the financial sector of your chart and that he can play dirty tricks on you if you spend too much or if you lack judgment.

Second trimester – With this aspect of the star Benh Phu, you won’t have much to do to maintain your finances in good conditions. The loan you requested unsuccessfully since a long time will finally be granted to you and moreover at the best market rate. On the whole, material and financial aspects will be given priority, and the astral environment will be favorable to you in this respect. Certain natives will receive an unexpected sum of money; others will profit by a totally fortuitous inheritance

Third trimester – Unpredictable financial upheavals might make you lose much money. It’s why, if you absolutely want to speculate, you should ask for the advice of specialists, who may perhaps help you avoid risky investments.

Fourth trimester – The Sun in this aspect should help you to improve your incomes. But as he will be successively next to the stars That Sat and Thien Luong, he can nevertheless provoke some disturbances in this domain. Be particularly careful if you consider a great purchase or if you want to reorganize your investments. Remember that all is not gold that glitters, before signing whatever document


Wood Rabbit – It’s never easy to change one’s habits. However, it’s indispensable that you have recourse to new work techniques if you don’t want to let yourself be overrun. You must retrain!